Group Members (Old)

Current Graduate Students

Jhonti Chakraborty 6th Year Graduate Student Inorganic Division Project: Pincer

Rinku Yadav 6th Year Graduate Student Inorganic Division Project: Beta Alkyl Elimination

Alec Esper 5th Year Graduate Student Organic Division Project: Pincer

Yu-Hsuan Shen 5rd Year Graduate Student Inorganic Division Project: iClick

Deene Wise 4nd Year Graduate Student Inorganic Division Project: Pincer

Courtney Sever 3rd Year Graduate Student Inorganic Division Project: Tethered Metallacyclobutane

Alexander Brodie 3rd Year Graduate Student Inorganic Division Project: TBD

Parker Boeck 3rd Year Graduate Student Organic Division Project: Elucidating Catenation during REMP

Nicholas Campbell 1st Year Graduate Student Organic Division Project: Click

Gina Diodati 1st Year Graduate Student Inorganic Division Project: TBD

Thomas Odey Magu 1st Year Graduate Student Inorganic Division Project: TBD

Current Undergraduate Students

Emma Salati Project: TBD

Javier Hurst Project: TBD


Current PostDoc

Sung-Min Hyun

Previous Group Members

Graduate Students

  1. Jürgen Koller (former member, 2006) currently: Employed by Wacker Chemical Corporation
  2. Adam R. Carlson (Masters, 2007) currently: works at Zachry Constructions
  3. Andrew J. Peloquin (Masters, 2008) currently: Chemist, US Air force
  4. Roxy J. Lowry (PhD, 2009) currently: Assistant Professor, Shorter University, Georgia
  5. Matthew S. Jeletic (PhD, 2010) currently: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  6. Michelle Jurcak (Masters, 2011) currently: QC chemist, Alabama
  7. Muhammad J. Tariq (former member, 2011) currently: Professor in University of Peshawar, Pakistan
  8. Soumya Sarkar (PhD, 2011) currently: Post-Doctoral Scholar at Cornell University under direction of Dr. Geoff Coates
  9. Amrita Mullick (former member, 2011) currently: Process Engineer at AMAT Inc
  10. Kevin McGowan (PhD, 2013) currently: Pursuing MBA at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business
  11. Matthew O’Reilly (PhD, 2013) currently: Post-Doctoral Scholar at the University of Virginia under the direction of Dr. T. Brent Gunnoe
  12. Nicholas Huff (Masters, 2013)
  13. Jakub Pedziwiatr (former member, 2014)
  14. Andrew Powers (PhD, 2015) currently: Pursuing MBA at University of Florida, Hough Graduate School
  15. Hong Li (former member, 2015)
  16. Matias Pascualini (PhD, 2015) currently: Employed by Intel as Sr. Packaging Process R&D Engineer.
  17. Sudarsan Venkatramani (PhD,2016) currently: Postdoc at MIT.
  18. Xi Yang (Ph.D.,2016) currently: Master program at UF.
  19. Soufiane Nadif (Ph.D. 2017) currently: Employed by the Intel
  20. Stella Gonsales (Ph.D. 2017) currently: Postdoc at Boston College
  21. Chris Roland (Ph.D. 2017)
  22. Christopher Beto (Ph.D. 2018)
  23. Weija Niu (Ph.D. 2018) Employed by Jordilabs
  24. Zhaocheng Wang (former member, 2018)
  25. Anson Cartwright (former member, 2018)
  26. Meng Jiang (former member, 2019)
  27. Tianyu Zhang (former member, 2019)
  28. Zhihui Miao (Ph.D. 2021)
  29. Drew Beauchamp (Ph.D. 2021)
  30. Vineet K. Jakhar (Ph.D. 2022) currently: Employed by Ascensus Specialities
  31. Ushnish Mandal (Ph.D. 2022) 

Undergraduate Students

    1. Corey M. Thompson (2006) currently a graduate student at Florida State University
    2. Melissa Clough (2007) currently a graduate student at University at Texas A&M.
    3. Joseph M. Falkowski (2009) currently a graduate student at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
    4. Amy Selwach (2009) currently a undergraduate at University of Florida
    5. Jeffrey a. Culver (2010) currently a graduate student at Georgia Institute of Technology
    6. Chelsea Huff (2010) currently a graduate student at University of Michigan
    7. Claire Heifler (2010) Job at Honeywell
    8. Jorma Shores (2012) Graduated University of Florida, applying to Medical School
    9. Sean Meehan (2012) Junior at the University of Florida
    10. Trevor Del Castillo (2012) Ph.D. student at CalTech in the lab of Prof. Jonas Peters
    11. Mary Garner (2014) Ph.D. student at U.C. Berkeley
    12. Jared Waters (2018) Ph.D. student at University of South Florida
    13. Shaun Gallagher (2018) Ph.D. student at University of Washington
    14. Jessica Heller (2020) Ph.D. student at University of Minnesota

Post-Doctoral Scholars

  1. Dr. Junhua Luo (2005) currently: Professor, State Key Laboratory of Structural Chemistry, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  2. Dr. Subramaniam Kuppuswamy (2010) currently: Postdoctoral scholar, University of Brandeis
  3. Dr. Saikat Dutta (2013)
  4. Dr. Cuijuan Wang (2015)